
Ágoras is a framework for Electoral and Political Campaigns created by Julio Daniel Marquez. Based on ¹Isos Mindset as a philosophy, balance and organization as the starting point, and “value delivery” as the end point.



Ágoras is characterized by being a heuristic framework where the execution of strategic methods and techniques are constantly evolving. They are subject to change through the interaction of individuals on a team representing:


A solid foundation for organizing and planning the campaign.


A cognitive structure as a neural type network in which ideas are formed that interpret the team as "a whole".


A pillar of orientation in methodologies and strategic actions for the candidate.


A process for developing proposals aligned to electoral needs with a vision towards a political transition.


An interdisciplinary space where each of the team members provides feedback on opinions, well-founded judgments, successes, errors, strengths and weaknesses of the campaign.


A team that understands what the campaign is about, the context of the electoral situation and shares confidence with the candidate.


What is a Mindset?

It is a set of decisions, thoughts and methods that determine the way of life of individuals or groups of people. A mindset can be interpreted as a human operating system that shapes our mind and determines behavior. In one word it can be defined as “mentality”.


What is a Framework?

It is a previous structure that can be used to develop a project. In this case the development of an intelligent campaign. In turn, a framework is a work environment that has certain useful tools and characteristics that serve as a reference to face and solve new problems of a similar nature.

Ágoras Framework has a conceptual complement that indicates what types of tools can be used for campaign management and how they interrelate.

Start your campaign

Check out the Documentation and start using the Ágoras Framework.

Go to Documentation
1- Isos Mindset, created by Julio Daniel Marquez.