IFM Tech Stack


The use of technology in favor of the political campaign is one of the most important characteristics of the Insight Field Model, since due to its composition and the types of activities carried out, the use of Technological resources are essential for its proper functioning.
Whether it's a small, medium or large campaign, there are many ways you can combine technology to get the job done. Therefore, the IFM has as a suggestion 2 groups of tools to be able to carry out the tasks that its execution demands.



Politicfy works as an exclusive tech stack for Ágoras Framework. This platform-app has the same block structure and the resources to be able to organize teams, manage voters, diagram on a map, make visits and process data. 100% IFM-compliant. All information is stored in the cloud and can be accessed from any device. The main features of Politicfy are:

  • Cloud data available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

  • Access from any device: Desktop, mobile.

  • User and role management. It is possible to create different types of roles besides the default ones.

  • Equipment and zone management.

  • Privacy rule management. Allows you to create different types of viewing and access rules.

  • Organization of tools in blocks, 100% compatible with IFM.

  • Import and creation of voter database.

  • Management of voters, talking points.

  • Calendar and events.

  • Admin Ads.

  • Layout of areas on the map.

  • Monitoring canvasser runs.

  • Survey management.

  • Incident management.

  • Activity log.

  • Statistics panel.

  • Multiple languages.

ADDON: Ballot box system for elections.



As a second suggestion, it is possible to use different types of technological solutions separately and reap the benefits of each of them. Therefore, in this TS2 we recommend the following:

  • Block 1: Online documents are great for managing user data ( team-groups) and save the information in the cloud.
    Currently there are different platforms to create, edit and save files such as spreadsheets, text, forms and presentations, among others. Another feature is the privacy rules offered by these platforms, which allow the administrator to restrict actions such as editing or viewing. Using this type of tool is a good option to complete block 1 tasks.

  • Block 2: As before, it is possible to use online documents to create a database and power to feed voter information.
    To organize tasks and be able to assign managers, we recommend platforms with a Kanban board. This type of tool is very useful for organization and planning. We suggest using online maps to mark voters and lay out zones. Maps are a very practical resource since they can be accessed at any time, even offline.

  • Block 3: For this block we suggest using online maps to execute the tasks of field, since through the cell phone it is very comfortable and practical for canvassers to be able to organize themselves and locate the addresses they should visit.
    For data management we recommend online documents as they allow information to be processed and converted into statistics, in this case the best solution is spreadsheets. To keep up with the evolution of circuits and incident management, the Kanban continues to be the best option.
